Our Vision
To contribute to the prevention, eradication and reduction of the harm caused by the social, economic, medical and psychological determinants of crime through transparent information sharing of proven, innovative practices.
Our Mission
Association of Justice and Treatment Professionals (AJTP) is a non-profit association. AJTP and it's non profit associations seek to provide a forum for sharing ideas, stories and best practices aimed at combating the social, economic, medical and psychological determinants of crime. Through this forum we seek to highlight innovative justice and treatment collaborations.
To deliver our mission we:
- Organize webinars, discussion forums and virtual conferences designed to allow practitioners, experts and persons with lived experience to share stories, innovative ideas and practices.
- Provide a forum for practitioners, experts and persons with lived experience to share stories, innovative ideas and practices.
- Provide access to a resource library with a collection of stories, ideas and practices aimed at combating the social, economic, medical and psychological determinants of crime.
Our Values
Our work is underpinned by our values of:
- Continuous Improvement
- Evidence-based practices
- Problem Solving
- Transparency
- Communication and exchange of ideas
- Inclusion and Diversity
Our Story
We work in places or are impacted by places where justice and treatment intersect. In these places, different types of justice, health and community partnerships have emerged. The goal is to prevent, eradicate or reduce the harm caused by the social, economic, medical and psychological determinants of crime. The three hands in our logo symbolize the importance of effective collaborations between the pillars of justice, health and community in achieving this objective.
A few years ago, five professionals from the justice and health disciplines, including Justice Kofi Barnes, set out to chronicle the stories of persons who commit crimes because of an addiction to drugs.
The result was the publication - People, Places and Things - a compilation of 48 compelling and inspiring stories from practitioners and people with lived experience in the justice-health partnership called Drug Treatment Courts.
People, Places and Things was the inspiration for another project – The Courage to Improve - a compilation of the stories of participants and practitioners in other types of justice-health partnerships. During this compilation, several types of justice-health partnerships were discovered. The stories and experiences shared were compelling and inspiring.
The Courage to Improve project chronicled only a fraction of the many impactful, impressive and effective justice-health partnerships. The stories and experiences of those impacted are inspiring and educational. These stories must be told, the ideas and expertise shared. This is why, this non-profit organization was born - to tell the stories, to share the ideas, best practices and expertise, to encourage improvement and to help save lives.
Sponsored Partners
National Association of Treatment and Therapeutic Court Professionals
courage to improve
The National Association of Treatment and Therapeutic Court Professionals (NATTCP) is a non-profit Association sponsored by AJTP. The three interlocking triangles in the NATTCP logo signify a partnership between Court, Treatment and Community.
Treatment and Therapeutic Courts are a type of partnership between treatment and court processes aimed at addressing the root causes of criminal behavior. Treatment and Therapeutic Courts are referenced by several other names such as Problem-Solving Courts, Specialized Courts or Solution Focused Courts etc.
NATTCP is the annual training conference branch of AJTP. NATTCP organizes an annual justice and treatment partnerships training conference which provides a forum for the exchange of ideas, standards, and practices for all types of Treatment and Therapeutic Courts.
International Association of Treatment Court Professionals
working together
The International Association of Treatment Court Professionals (IATCP) is a non profit association sponsored by AJTP.
In 2015, the International Association of Drug Treatment Court Professionals www.iadtcp.com expanded its mission to include all Treatment Courts and became the International Association of Treatment Court Professionals.
The IATCP's exclusive focus is to provide a global forum for the exchange of ideas, standards and practices for all types of Treatment and Therapeutic Courts. The interlocking pattern in the IATCP logo signifies partnerships between national and international organizations working together to achieve this objective.