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HomeIntegrated Courts

Foundations in Integrated Courts

Trauma-Informed Processes

This presentation focuses on what trauma is, how it affects us, why we should consider it in the courtroom, and what courtroom practices we can implement to help alleviate the ongoing effects of trauma. The prevalence of serious traumatic experiences among our neighbours and fellow community members is alarming, and its consequences can be severe, manifesting in stressful environments like courtrooms. Presenters in this section will walk through direct clinical experiences, personal experiences, and a case study to help illustrate the many sides of trauma. This presentation will conclude with suggestions on how court practitioners can better help case participants cope with trauma and on how to incorporate trauma-informed practices into the courtroom.

Lindsey Price Jackson
Senior Program Manager of Community Justice Initiatives, Centre for Justice Innovation, New York

Kathryn Ford

Director of Clinical Supervision and Child Witness Initiatives

Centre for Justice Innovation, New York

Victoria Integrated Court

The “why, the how and impacts” of the Victoria Integrated Court. Barriers, Challenges, Successes and best practice recommendations.

Associate Chief Judge Sue Wishart

Provincial Court of British Columbia